Unspoken Thoughts: A Reassessment of Ada Cambridge
Bradstock responds to previous critics who argued that Cambridge yielded to convention and limited her thought. Bradstock argues that Cambridge entertained quite unconventional attitudes in regards to sexual morality and theology and expressed them in her prose and poetry. Although revision of poems from Unspoken Thoughts made The Hand in the Dark less radical, Cambridge revisited many of her early themes in later fiction.
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Published 1 May 1989 in Volume 14 No. 1. Subjects: Anti-Establishment, Social injustice, Ada Cambridge, 19th Century Women Writers.
Cite as: Bradstock, Margaret. ‘Unspoken Thoughts: A Reassessment of Ada Cambridge.’ Australian Literary Studies, vol. 14, no. 1, 1989, doi: 10.20314/als.ec483f0bd2.