The Structure of Frederic Manning’s War Novel Her Privates We


No one seems to have made a detailed critical analysis of the work as a novel, although it was conveniently labelled one of the finest or even the best English novel of the First World War. Leaving aside the aspects of the book which have been recognised and variously discussed, the present article aims at showing that Her Privates We is a novel constructed and fashioned with extraordinary care and literary skill.

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Published 1 October 1974 in Volume 6 No. 4. Subjects: Authorship, Literary techniques, structures & modes, Narrative structure, War literature, Writer's recognition & popularity.

Cite as: Klein, Holger. ‘The Structure of Frederic Manning’s War Novel Her Privates We.’ Australian Literary Studies, vol. 6, no. 4, 1974, doi: 10.20314/als.7312a04939.