More Substance to Fisher’s Ghost?



Hadgraft and Webby account for the legend of Fisher's Ghost, which has its origins in the murder of farmer Frederick Fisher in Campbell Town on the night of 16 or 17 June 1826, and his ghost's alleged sighting six weeks later. They track the ghost story's emergence in Australian and international press and popular culture, including Dickens's Household Words (1853). The authors discover the tale's origins as a poem in a little-known New South Wales newspaper, published in 1832.

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Published 1 May 1968 in Volume 3 No. 3. Subjects: Australian myths, Authorship, Folklore, Ghosts.

Cite as: Hadgraft, Cecil and Elizabeth Webby. ‘More Substance to Fisher’s Ghost?.’ Australian Literary Studies, vol. 3, no. 3, 1968, doi: 10.20314/als.ceef64c511.